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Secret Garden - Pastel Blooms Bouquet
This Secret Garden - Pastel Blooms Bouquet is the perfect way to show your love without saying a word! Get lost in this wonderland of dreamy pastels, with soft petals and flowery scents that will transport you to your own secret garden. No need to keep it a secret, show everyone you love a blooming bouquet of surprise!
We can deliver this flower arrangement on the same day to any suburb of inner Melbourne or outer Melbourne suburbs.
- At Bloomhaus, we are professional florists who take pride and carefully arranging your flowers.
- All our bouquets are hand-tied with tender loving care. All wrapped up with premium packaging and flowing ribbon to match your blooms, attached with a complimentary Bloomhaus gift card including your message.
- Choose same-day delivery all across Melbourne 7 days a week for orders or plan your order days/weeks in advance.
All flowers are subject to market availability, so your arrangement may vary in colour and not be made with the exact flowers pictured, but overall will reflect our secret Garden style. For all specific requirements, please get in touch with us directly. Size- Stunning -Pictured